Steps to the
Perfect Wedding Speeches
by Wayne Goodman
A lot of people have a real fear of public speaking, however this does not need to be the case, if you just plan and prepare in a proper manner.
- Spend some real time working on your speech, do not leave it until the last minute.
- Keep a notebook of the main points you want to make, once you have a basic structure you can start putting it into an order for the speech.
- Some people like to write out the whole speech whilst others just use bullet points. If you choose to write bullet points, make sure you add notes so you do not forget (under pressure) when you are delivering the speech what you meant to say.
- Avoid innuendo.
- Practice the whole speech over and over. Do it in front of a mirror, or video record it, this will enable you to spot and remember any mistakes etc.
- Do not forget to breathe. Leave gaps in your speech to stop and take a breath. A good method is to stop and take a sip of water, this gives you a couple of seconds to pause and relax.
- Try not to speak too quickly.
- If they have a microphone, use it, this will keep your voice at a constant level and means everyone will be able to hear you.
- Stick to your speech and keep to the points it is easy to go off track so stick to the notes.
- If you receive applause or laughter, take a pause. Don’t speak over your audience's reactions. Appreciate their appreciation!
- Speak from the heart. Don’t worry about what people will think if you really show your feelings. Today is about love so don’t be afraid to show it.
Who normally gives the speeches?
Speeches are normally given by:
The Father Of The Bride
Understandably, this is a very emotional moment for the bride's Dad.
The Groom
In his speech, the Groom would normally thank:
The Best Man
This is often the one that everyone is waiting for! Traditionally funny, warm and revealing!
Often the Groom will present gifts to the Bridesmaids, Pageboys, Ushers and the Best Man during his Speech. When thanking parents, flowers may be presented to the Mums.
Speeches are normally given by:
The Father Of The Bride
Understandably, this is a very emotional moment for the bride's Dad.
The Groom
In his speech, the Groom would normally thank:
- His wife’s father for the toast and the welcome into the family.
- All the friends and family for coming, especially those that have travelled long distances.
- Anyone who has been a significant help in the planning of the day (especially if they have made a large financial contribution – for example the bride’s parents).
- The groom's parents for love and support.
- His best man for being the best!
- The bride for all the reasons he loves her.
- Bridesmaids, Flower Girls, Page Boys and Ushers.
- A toast to “The Bridesmaids” at the end of the speech.
The Best Man
This is often the one that everyone is waiting for! Traditionally funny, warm and revealing!
- Thank the Groom for his toast to the Bridesmaids and his kind words.
- If there are any messages from family that could not make it or are abroad etc, these can be read out.
- The Best Man can mention the Groom's strengths (and weaknesses!).
- Funny stories. Perhaps anecdotes about growing up together or any particularly fond memories.
- Mention the bride. How they got together and perhaps how she has had a positive effect on the Groom.
- A toast to “The Bride & Bridegroom” at the end of the speech
Often the Groom will present gifts to the Bridesmaids, Pageboys, Ushers and the Best Man during his Speech. When thanking parents, flowers may be presented to the Mums.